readingWhat is Full Stack Web Application? [Explained]
What is Full Stack Web Application

What is Full Stack Web Application? [Explained]

Key Takeaways:

  • A full-stack web application includes front-end and back-end development components and a database to offer a dynamic and real-time interaction experience.
  • Full-stack application architecture includes multiple layers, with each layer responsible for a specific task. The presentation layer (front-end) handles the user interface, the application layer (back-end) deals with business logic and processing requests, and the data layer (database) stores and manages application data.
  • Full-stack web application development requires proficiency in multiple programming languages, frameworks, and tools.
  • A list of full-stack technologies includes LAMP, MEAN, MERN, Django, and Ruby on Rails for developing robust full-stack web apps.

Read this blog if,

  1. You are a beginner programmer and want to know about the full stack web application, its architecture, and working process.
  2. You are a tech-savvy person and want to learn more about full-stack applications.

In software development, you may have heard about the full-stack application. Custom full-stack development services refers to providing end-to-end solutions from the making architecture of user requirements to designing and developing a digital solution.

Full-stack development is highly in trend due to its better feasibility. Ever had these questions regarding full stack development?

  • What is a full stack web application?
  • What does the full stack web application architecture look like? And how does it work?
  • Which are the core components of a full stack web application?
  • Which tools are required to develop full stack web apps?
  • Which are the best examples of full stack development?
  • What are the benefits of hiring full stack developers?

To provide you with all the answers, we have crafted this complete guide.

What is a Full Stack Web Application?

Let’s first understand the meaning of full-stack.

The full-stack refers to creating computer software or applications from scratch to end.

A web application is built through three parts:

  1. Front end (client-side)
  2. Backend (server-side)
  3. Database

If you are a beginner in web development and confused between the website and web application, here is the blog on the differences between website vs web application.

Which are the stages involved in the development process?

The development process involves three stages:

  1. Application user interface (presentation layer)
  2. Business logic section (logical instructions)
  3. Database part

Full stack web development process includes validation of an idea to a complete product. Now, as you know, what a full-stack web application is. The next step comes here, understanding the architecture of the application. You will understand how an application’s internal components work. Let’s dive into the application architecture process.

Full Stack Web Application Architecture

Web application architecture is a framework that includes the interaction of different components, such as middleware, user interfaces, structural components, databases, and APIs.

For better understanding, you will find the image below which shows you every aspect of a web application and its functioning.

aspect of a web application

Image credit: Wikipedia.com

Let’s understand the functioning of web application architecture. For instance, when any user interacts with your application then, how will your application interact with internal components and provide results to that user?

Let’s understand it well by taking the example of a web browser. To search the keyword “what is a full-stack web application” you opened a browser, and typed this keyword, and hit the Enter button. And within fractions of seconds, you got the results. Right? When you search for any query, the browser sends that request to the web server and searches for the results from the database. Then, browsers get results from the server and display the results.

Now, as you know the basics of web application architecture. You might want to know the essential components in the web application architecture.

Important Components in Full-stack Web Architecture

There are three important components in the architecture of web applications. Here are the three components described below.

  1. Client Layer: This is a presentation layer that has the UI components of the application.
  2. Application Layer: In this layer, the business logic is present in the form of code. Through which it sends the results based on query requests.
  3. Database Layer: It contains the data in the database and provides information as per the requests.

Hereafter, we will look into the top development tools that are widely used for full-stack development.

Best Full Stack Development Tools

The best tools for full-stack development can be categorized into six phases. Let’s check them out.

Front-end DevelopmentHTML, CSS3, BootStrap, AngularJS, ReactJS, jQuery
Back-end DevelopmentPython, PHP, Ruby, TypeScript, Django, Node.js,
Database LanguagesMySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB
Text EditorsAtom, Sublime Text
Package ManagersNPM, Grunt
Version ControlGitHub

Furthermore, as we have learned about the full-stack web app, its architecture, and technologies to create full-stack applications. Now, we will move to check the full stack applications examples built with different technology stacks.

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Full Stack Web Application Examples

Here is a list of the best full stack web applications.

  1. Examples of Platforms Developed with LAMP Stack

LAMP stack refers to Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP. A combination of these four parts helps developers to build a web application from scratch. There are many popular examples of applications built using the LAMP stack.

A few of the examples are:

  • WordPress
  • Facebook
  • Wikipedia
  1. Examples of Platforms Developed with MEAN Stack

    MEAN refers to MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, and NodeJS. Through this stack, developers can create applications using Javascript in the frontend as well as backend development.

    Some of the popular applications in which MEAN stack is used are:

    • Flickr
    • Forbes
    • Youtube
  2. Examples of Platforms Developed with Django Stack

    Django stack refers to the use of Javascript, Django, Python and MySQL. Few popular application examples using Django stack are:

    • The Washington Post
    • Instagram
    • Spotify
  3. Examples of Platforms Developed with Ruby on Rails Stack

    Ruby on rails stack covers the use of Ruby on Rails, Javascript and MySQL. Here are a few popular application examples using ROR that are:

    • Airbnb
    • Github

Moreover, these applications are scalable enough to handle thousands of hundred users at a time. Isn’t it amazing?

Now, as you have got ideas for different applications, you can use a particular technology stack to develop an application. How does it help you in creating your web application? It allows you to get aware of the different technology stacks, so you can choose the perfect technology stack.
Now, we are going to discuss the benefits of the full-stack web app.

Furthermore, now we are going to discuss the project ideas. You can discuss your project ideas with a web development company. They will give you an overview of ideas on which you can create a full-stack web app.

6 Benefits of Hiring Full Stack Web Developers

Now, you might wonder about the benefits of using full-stack development. Or perhaps why any business should opt for full stack web development? Here are the benefits:

  1. Developers have the Knowledge of Entire Design Structure

    One of the major advantages of full-stack development is that projects will be developed by experts who have hands-on experience of both the front end and back end. Here full-stack developers have experience in working any part of the application and know multiple framework facilities. Additionally, your hired full-stack programmers have complete knowledge of applications so it becomes easier for them to figure out the issues and resolve them.

    Any web development project is built using three layers: front-end development, back-end programming, and database integration layer. So, hiring a particular skill set expert could be a good option but it can result in higher cost demand. However, hiring full-stack developers are the better option if you are tight on budget and want to develop a finished project within a fixed budget.

    However, if you are looking for a detailed cost of web application then you can read our detailed guide on “Cost of Web Application Development“.

  2. Unified Solution to Problems

    A full-stack developer has the expertise and the ability to identify the root cause of problems and develop solutions accordingly. Additionally, if you hire full-stack developers they can create a solution with a few bugs and highly effective functionality. Full-stack programmers divide the work according to requirements and tend to complete it within deadlines. Moreover, a full-stack developer can move to work on a different part of the application as per the need of your project.

  3. Flexibility

    As said above, a full-stack web developer is flexible to work on the front end or back end of your application. It saves your money and time since the complexities and problems are solved by the same developers. Moreover, your hired developer has the overall idea of end results where s/he comes up with an effective solution without having to explain the design and development process to anyone else.

  4. Smooth Upgrade

    The full-stack developers use a particular web stack technology to develop your web application which allows them to upgrade the application effortlessly. Moreover, the full-stack developer has the good ability to get an update with the new technology comparatively faster. Hence, a reputed development agency like Space-O Canada having full-stack developers will help you create web applications as per your requirements.

  5. Best Option for Small and Medium Businesses

    Full-stack development could be the absolute solution for your small or mid-cap business. Additionally, hiring a full-stack to develop a team from a web development agency allows you to create a scalable solution within an affordable budget.

    Furthermore, now we are going to discuss the project ideas. It will give your overview of ideas on which you can create a full-stack web app.

Want to Hire Full-stack Web Developers?

Want to discuss your idea? We have an expert team of app and web developers.

Full Stack Web Application Project Ideas

Whether you want to develop a web application or a progressive web application for your business. You will require to hire different professionals are:

  • Frontend developer
  • Backend developer
  • UI/UX designer
  • Quality analyst
  • Project manager
  • App developer

However, what if all work of front-end and back-end developers can be done by full-stack developers. It reduces the chances of errors, thus, it can result in better workload management and also provide a reduction in costs. Now, let’s check out the project ideas of full-stack web applications to give you a depth idea of what level of applications can be built by full-stack developers.

Here are the full-stack development project ideas.

  1. Weather Warning and Hurricane Detector Solution

    To save human lives and take essential precautions before any disaster happens due to hurricanes. Creating a mobile-based solution that can predict the hurricane with their damage effects and on which place it will come. This way, it could bring positive results by providing predictions of weather situations. An application that can predict the atmosphere changes and detect hurricanes to escalate the damage in the society. However, you can create an application by hiring professional full-stack developers. It will allow you to leverage the benefit of their skills to develop cost-effective solutions.

  2. A Mood Tracker Application

    Imagine an application that can track mood and help users to take out from depression and anxiety thoughts. Don’t you think it will help thousands of people to cure their mental health? An application that can send alerts to their close friends if they have thought to end their life or are feeling depressed. Creating an application that can help people to get relief from anxious thoughts and show them hope to live life. Through this portal, it can help people to deal with such problems. It can also be helpful to make the people make life peaceful.

Do you have any other web app ideas? Convert your ideas into a live application by hiring professional web developers who have expertise in creating custom web apps from small businesses to enterprise-level businesses.

We have experience in developing web apps for various industries. Below are some of the projects developed by us.

Recent Web Apps Developed by Us

As we have discussed the project ideas, now move on to find out the most frequently asked questions.

FAQ About Full Stack Web Application

  1. What is a full-stack developer?

    An engineer who knows to develop both the client-side and server-side of the application. In other words, a developer who can handle databases, servers, backend, and frontend.

  2. In web development, there are several web technologies for application development. Below we listed some of the famous web technology stacks.

    1. MERN
    2. MEAN
    3. MEVN
    4. LAMP
    5. The Serverless Stack


In this blog, you have learned complete information about the full-stack web app from its architecture to project ideas. As a premier software development company, we have a team of full-stack developers who have experience creating top-notch web applications from scratch to end.

Want to validate your project idea? Or Looking for custom full-stack application development? Feel free to reach us by filling out the following form. As a leading full-stack development agency in Toronto, Canada, we’ll help you to develop a scalable application.

Founder and CEO of Space-O Technologies (Canada)
March, 24 2025

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