readingWhat is Vue.js? Vue.js Advantages And Disadvantages

What is Vue.js? Vue.js Advantages And Disadvantages

For years on end, JavaScript has provided an ecosystem within which frameworks have thrived. It has provided developers with fundamentals that have been used for smoother web development. With 4.4 million monthly downloads on NPM and 138K GitHub’s stars, Vue has created a buzz within the web developers community.

During the course of this guide, we will run through what is vuejs, the pros and cons of the Vue framework hosted on JavaScript. And how you can incorporate this framework into your infrastructure.

What is Vue.js?

Vue.js is a progressive framework for building a one-page applications. It has been designed for scalability and incrementality along with being easy to integrate with other libraries focused on the view layer.

Vue has created a buzz in the web applications development ecosphere and is revolutionary in the sense that it has multiple use cases. It can be used to develop both desktop and mobile-based applications.

HTML extensions in addition to the JavaScript base have quickly seen Vue rise to a favored front-end tool that is being adopted by top tech companies like Adobe.

What is Vue.js Used For?

A progressive JavaScript framework used by web developers for the creation of frontend user interfaces for web-based and hybrid mobile applications. It is an integration of the efficient concepts of Angular and React frameworks and delivers it in a simple, minimalistic modern design. You may also like to see the difference between Vue and React js Framework.

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Pros of Vue.js

In essence, Vue corresponds to an MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture and can be used in coherence with different architectural frameworks like CBA (Component-based Architecture).

This ability to interact with various available frameworks has made Vue highly popular in the web development ecosystem.

Here are some advantages:

  1. Tools and Libraries

  2. Low Storage Requirements

    Being a featherweight application (the downloaded zip size is only 18 KB), Vue not only allows you for a fast download but also positively impacts your SEO and UX by utilizing the Virtual DOM.

    Thus, it gives you a significant advantage in terms of its high-speed parameter over other competitors like React and Angular.

  3. Simplicity

    Not only is Vue.js syntax very straightforward and easy to grasp, but developers who have worked with JavaScript before can also pick it up very easily. Its structure is very intuitive and its components are easy to deploy as they are essentially an aggregate of HTML and JavaScript features.

    Its simplicity greatly benefits developers that are looking to upscale string template syntax while minimizing errors within the code. And it can be up & running with a single script tag.

  4. Documentation

    In addition to its simple syntax, the vue.js framework is also truly intuitive. Vue.js is also extensively documented – the documentation video courses and impressive core library which is focused on the view layer make it easier for you to understand the concepts and incorporate them.

    Even someone who has a basic knowledge of HTML and JavaScript can readily develop applications with the help of the Vue.js document object model.

  5. Reactivity

    One of the things that make Vue.js stand out amongst many other frameworks is that of its reactivity system. Its integration with HTML and JavaScript makes data binding between these frameworks on Vue.js very straightforward.

    Vue.js is also more than able to handle a two-way reactive data-bind operation and is, therefore, a great fit for a web app that requires real-time updates.

  6. Components And Reusability

    Another feature that makes Vue.js so likable is that of the ease with which its code can be reused. Smaller interactive pieces of code of an application like that of its components and views can easily be integrated into an existing application.

    Using Vue.js while doing so has no negative impacts on the existing infrastructure. This feature makes it an excellent tool for adding multiple reactive components into an existing template.

    Additionally, state management between components can be related to each other via a state manager called the Vuex. Features like the Vue-Router and Views facilitate the development of single-page applications with relative ease.

  7. Component-based Architecture (CBA)

    Vue components represent encapsulated elements of your application interface and can be written in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript without division into separate files. Such an architectural approach and component system has lots of benefits:

    • Code readability: Owing to the fact that the components of Vue are individually stored in separate files, it makes it easier for you to access a particular section of the code and fix it in case of any bugs.
    • Good for unit-testing: Having components greatly simplifies unit-testing. It is aimed at understanding how the smallest parts of the app work on their own.
  8. Flexibility

    Javascript has always been known for its flexibility – it’s a framework that is considered to be one of the most flexible programming languages. However, with the frontend development of Vue, that flexibility has now reached new frontiers. This has been enabled due to the fact that it predominantly requires Java-Script and no other plugin.

    The possibilities of creating components are endless- there is no one ‘right way’ of doing things. Vue allows you to write templates using HTML, JavaScript, or even JSX (JavaScript syntax extension). Vue’s component-based structure and its lightweight code allow it to be integrated within any project.

    Developers who were comfortable using the framework of either React or Angular, will not face a problem in transitioning into Vue. It is essentially a combination of features of both frameworks. Therefore, with Vue, you can design your application taking an approach and structure that you feel appropriate.

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Cons of Vue.js

  1. Language Barriers And Restricted Community

    Since Vue is still a relatively new framework that is developing at an unprecedented rate, it is not yet as popular as its counterparts- React and Angular. Developed by a Chinese-American, Vue has a large number of users that are non-English speaking.

    Tutorials and pieces of code that are written in Chinese can be hard to grasp for English-speaking developers. The fast pace at which it is developing may also render tutorials outdated.

    Thus, if you are facing difficulties while coding, you may have to use forums for discussion as the plugin descriptions may not be in English.

  2. Spoilt For Options

    It is great to have options within a framework as many of you will agree. But when the project is upscaled and the number of developers working on the framework increases, this may prove to be a problem.

    As a developer within the team, you may not favor a particular programming approach. The same applies to your colleagues. What these options do is that they overcomplicate the project leading to more errors and irregularities within the code.

    This has a direct impact and tends to increase the cost and duration of the project.

  3. Lack of Financial Support for Large-scale Projects

    Being in its development phases, Vue still is a relatively young framework and cannot compete with more established frameworks like Angular. Thus, it does not receive a large amount of financial support from enterprises that can support an app development team that can quickly resolve arising issues.

    Despite that, Vue sees growing demand from technology giants like IBM and Adobe, although on relatively smaller projects.

  4. Limited Resources

    Despite significant growth in the past couple of years, Vue still has a long way to go. In terms of the number of plugins available for its counterparts and itself, the difference is in the hundreds.

    The plugins that are available on Vue that can be used with other frameworks are not well supported. However, there is a long way to go for Vue.js. Let’s check the latest advancements of this framework.

The Way Ahead for Vue.js

Considering stiff competition by other frameworks, Vue.js must adapt itself conceptually so as to flourish within the website development ecosystem. In addition to its main case use of building one-page reactive applications, its infrastructure can also be used for a number of tasks:

  • Handling Prototypes
    Before developing into a framework capable of handling single-web-page applications, Vue.js was initially conceptualized to manage ‘prototyping’.Having components that allow for data-binding between form input and app state, its infrastructure can handle animation, interactive elements, and graphics.

    Using front-end development via the Vue CLI (Command Line Interface), you can easily design clickable prototypes.

  • Focusing on UI
    Since it is based on the frameworks of only HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, Vue.js can be used to maintain focus on the UI. Technology companies like IBM have been using Vue as a front-end framework for their hybrid cloud because of its lightweight, gentle learning curve.
  • Ease of Integration

    Integrating pieces of code into an existing application is made very easy via the Vue infrastructure. Since it relies mainly on the JavaScript framework, it can be easily integrated into existing projects. Its compatibility with back-end technologies and frameworks like Laravel, Express, Rails, and Django makes Vue a perfect fit for website developers.

    For example, you have to simply use HTML attributes like v-on directive to integrate event listeners, which invoke methods on your Vue instances.

FAQ About Vue.js Framework

  1. Is Vuejs better than react?

    Vue has become a popular choice amongst developers. However, both have their own benefits, which is why you have to pick the framework that best suits your needs. Vue is more structured, easier to grasp, and takes lesser time to set up thus reducing project duration.

    React is relatively more stable and popular than Vue. Both work equally well with a headless CMS like headless WordPress or ButterCMS.

  2. Is Vue JS easy to learn?

    Yes. Programmers familiar with Java-Script frameworks can grasp Vue very easily due to its simplicity and clarity in syntax.

    Additionally, it is, in essence, a combination of features of React and Angular which is why you will not face any problems in transition into Vue if you have any prior experience.

  3. Is Vue JS front end?

    Yes, Vue JavaScript is a popular framework used when it comes to building user interfaces more efficiently. HTML extensions in addition to the JavaScript base have quickly seen it rise to a popular front-end tool amongst web developers.

  4. Vue is not only simpler than its counterparts, but it is also more flexible and compatible with other frameworks. Another important feature that makes it popular amongst developers is the fact that it has an MIT license.

    Frameworks like React are facing licensing issues that are discouraging developers. Being a mixture of components of React and Angular, adopting Vue is relatively easy for developers who have had prior experience.

  5. Does Google use Vue?

    Yes, Google’s career platform uses Vue JavaScript.

  6. Which companies use Vue JS?

    • Google
    • Apple
    • Nintendo
    • Behance
    • Trivago
    • Gitlab
    • Trustpilot
    • Dribbble
    • JustEat
    • Zoom
    • BMW
    • Louis Vuitton
    • Upwork
  7. Can Vue replace jQuery?

    Yes. You can incorporate Vue into your project infrastructure much like the way you would incorporate jQuery. However, it is more flexible in the sense that you can use it directly in the HTML.


Started in 2013 by Evan You, Vue.js is one of the most demanded JavaScript frameworks in today’s times. Developers appreciate Vue’s easy-to-use syntax, clean formatting styles, and good frameworks that are compatible with other infrastructure as well. It certainly lives up to its expectations and the function it’s designed to be incrementally adoptable and to cater to, succeeding where other frameworks fail.

So, if you want to build one-page applications with some basic or advanced features and functionalities, you can get in touch with us through our contact us form. We are a leading web design and development agency based in Canada with a team of experienced web developers. Just fill our given form and one of our experts will get back to you shortly.

Founder and CEO of Space-O Technologies (Canada)
August, 25 2021

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