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A Virtual Stock Trading App

The Paper Trader app is a simulator that aims to help stock traders by analyzing and practicing the trade simulator. With this app, the users can trade real stocks in real-time with real prices without risking any actual money. Looking to build a customized stock trading app?


UX / UI Design, App Development, QA


iOS and Android

About The Virtual Simulator App

Paper Trader – A Trading App is built to get into the world of traders and to know the currency exchange market in a way that is accurate and real. It deals with virtual money, minimizing the risk of losing to zero. This app makes the stock exchange market more open with social financing. For this particular app, a precise data collection is done with the use of the Yahoo Stock Exchange, a reliable and active resource.

By following other investors, the users can analyze their investments as well as their related statements of the market. This app has features like stock searching and listing, purchase/sell, profit/loss analysis, professional advice that brings confidence in a user in trading realistically.

Some Of The Key Features From The Virtual Stock Trading App

Just sign up with details like name and email address to join the parenting community of this baby app. Parents write blogs on parenting, give tips to handle work and kids, and share parenting inspiration in this community. Receive information regarding baby products, news and sales.



Snag allows you to simply take a picture of the issue. Enter the relevant information after performing an accurate inspection. The app provides an interactive way to share the photo via email or social media platform.

Profit/Loss Status

This feature shows profit or loss on a particular stock in a percentage and ranking pattern. It shows a list of stocks in which one has been trading the virtual money and makes the analysis easier about the purchase and distribution of the holdings.


Professional Advice

The user of this simulator mobile app development can follow professional trading analysts and can know more insight on the currency exchange market. The advice comes in a notification form in the simulator application which has some investing as well as some important statements from the said trader about current market situations. The user cannot do a message to the followed person.

Watch List

This works as a wish list stock data for a user. Any stock in which one is interested to trade can keep in his watch list for the daily update of market price and analysis.


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