reading6 Features of Ride-sharing App Development From Our Latest Project

6 Features of Ride-sharing App Development From Our Latest Project

Do you have a taxi-app idea? Are you planning to develop a ridesharing app but still thinking about how to make it successful? Well, we had the opportunity to talk to the project manager who managed a taxi-booking app project by a client from Ashburn. He discussed the important and unique features that our team of taxi app developers integrated into this app. Read the blog to find out about these features and the backstory, you might as well get an inspiring idea for your app.

We have a story to tell.

You might have heard people complain that the market is saturated with enough cab-booking apps. Then why do new apps keep entering the market and how are they earning revenue?

Entrepreneurs know that if you have an idea that is unique or if you actually solve genuine problems, the market is very accepting.

If you don’t believe us, take a look at these numbers.

Some Important Statistics About Ride-hailing Segment

  • In Canada, the revenue in the Ride-hailing segment amounts to US$1,705m in 2019.
  • This is expected to show an annual growth rate of 12.8%, resulting in a market volume of US$2,764m by 2023.
  • User penetration is 18.8% in 2019 and is expected to hit 26.1% by 2023.
  • The average revenue per user (ARPU) currently amounts to US$242.71.
  • In 2018, E-hailing was the largest segment, with a market share of more than 50%.

ride sharing app development

No, we are not going to talk only about stats. We are going to share our personal experience of our latest ride-sharing app development project. 

Once Upon A Time…

An entrepreneur from Ashburn, Virginia, United States contacted us as he was looking for a mobile app development company. He had an idea about a ride-hailing app for his city as the people were still unhappy while commuting.

The people were facing problems while finding an on-demand taxi that was affordable, fast and safe. He decided to create an app like Uber for his locality. 

That was not it, he wanted to make sure that this app had all the qualities and features that a customer would need. He wanted to leave no stone unturned. When he came to us, he was very positive and had a very clear idea about his requirements.

We were happy to work with a passionate client like him and he was happy to know about our experience of working on over 50 ride-sharing app development projects.

We developed a complete taxi booking solution with a driver’s app, rider’s app and admin panel. We integrated unique features in this taxi app to make its app popular in the Ashburn city.

Today, we will tell you about the unique features of this app our taxi app developers developed. You can consider these features, apart from regular ones, during taxi app development.  

6 Unique Features for the Best Ride-sharing App

ride-sharing app development

Driver’s app

  1. Share a ride

    This is the most unique feature of our rideshare app. Using this feature, a user can become a driver to earn a little extra money. 

    To explain it the best way possible, we will illustrate it in this way: Assume that you go to the office from the same route every day. If you want to share this ride with another rider who wants to go to the same destination, then you can easily do it with this feature. 

  2. Route selection

    This feature is like a boon for drivers as well as riders. The rideshare apps for drivers has two different options for the route to reach a destination. The driver can choose whether he wants to use Google Maps and Waze Map.

    He can check which is the shortest route or which route has the least traffic. This saves the time of both the parties involved.

Rider’s app

  1. Pool or private ride

    Being one of the best rideshare apps, this app has a feature for the riders to pool a ride with another user. This will save the rider’s money yet helping the driver to earn for two rides and saving his time to drop two customers.

  2. Schedule a ride

    To add to the convenience of the riders, we also recommended this feature to our client during ride-sharing app development. 

    The riders can schedule a trip as per their preferred time and date. This way, they can easily book a ride in advance so they don’t have to suffer during rush hours or peak times. They won’t be late to work or an event ever.

Admin Panel

  1. Heat maps

    This is the second most unique feature that we integrated into this taxi booking solution. The admin panel has the features to set the fares of rides.

    Along with it, the admin can also check the heat map on the desktop panel. The authorized person can check all the areas, where the demand for rides is high. They can also view demand-based areas that hire for rides.

  2. Manage rides and reports

    The admin can easily check the useful information about the riders and drivers (including his background in case of a driver). He can keep a track of the pending, on-going, cancelled and completed rides.

    In fact, he can get a complete report on the total rides, riders, drivers, earning and the total number of trips so far.

Check out our work!

We have given a brief idea about the client requirements and unique features we integrated into this on-demand taxi app. If you want to know more like what were the problems that our client was facing before developing the ride-sharing app, you can check it out in our case study or contact us directly by filling the contact form given in the footer.

Fueling Your Taxi App Idea

We had a great experience working on this project with these features and many more. Ride-sharing app development is not an easy process and you would also need some strategies to boost your taxi business with a taxi app.

If you have an app idea, you share it with us as we are a premium software and mobile app development company based out of Canada. We have experience in developing software and apps of various categories including taxi booking apps or Uber alternatives.

Feel free to share your queries and expectations with us by just dropping your email in the ‘Contact Us’ form in the footer. One of our sales representatives will reach out to you within 48 hours. You can also ask for a 30-min free consultation with our technical experts.


Founder and CEO of Space-O Technologies (Canada)
November, 8 2019

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